The weekend was really good fun - Saturday was the sports fayre when you can sign up to sports clubs and they all have a stall. For some reason it has been moved from its old location of the union in town to the sports centre some distance out of town. I feel as though it is a terrible move by the powerstobe as the distance to walk out of town will mean fewer people attending the fayre and thus fewer members signing up. Secondly there is a cash machine outside the union in town whereas the nearest cash machine to the sports centre is at least a fifteen minute walk. Quite often people will come and sign up a club and then when asked to pay their membership ask where the nearest cash point is (fresher's usually don't know). When the fayre was in the union a good percentage of people would go to the cash point and return with their membership. This year that was not an option. The effect, having talked to the hockey club and a few others was a far fewer number of both unpaid signed up members and also fully paid up members. So I think thats a bit disappointing for the AU clubs.
We then had our first game of the season in the PM and won 4-1 which was fairly decent. It was an amusing game with 3 yellow cards for us and none for the opposition but some good hockey and a small crowd watching which always make one play slightly better. The evening was dinner at someones house where the general consensus was to eat some lovely lasagne and then get drunk playing some very very aggressive drinking games with playing cards and die (not the 9 VKs game). After that everyone sort of went to various places and I vaguely remember being in a few pubs and houses before eating a pot noodle and passing out fully clothed at 3am. Job done. As a result Sunday was a complete write off and spent most of the morning in bed actually playing some poker as have been itching to play some headsup poker. It was pretty boring so I gave up after a while. Went to the Raisin for a free beer and a burger but they had none of the actual burgers there so had to have the beer, chips and empty roll which was a bit disappointing. Proceeded to spend most of the afternoon playing Mario Kart with friends and generally feeling rough. Went to a friends' for a brilliant Toad in the Hole and passed out in bed at 9pm.
The weekend was very slow on eBay for me which was a bit annoying, I have been spending quite a lot of time looking at my web statistics for my shop and I can't really find a pattern or any sort of correlation to explain why its fluctuating so much. On the 23rd September I had over 200 pages views whereas yesterday (Sundays are normally the busiest day on eBay) only had 50 or so. I have 5000 syringe pens arriving sometime this week that have just docked on a ship into Felistowe and are being cleared through customs at the moment. I have quite a lot of money invested in them which is fairly worrying as well as a lot of money invested in cereal and other junk. I vaguely remember in second year that the run up to Christmas is a brilliant time to be running a small eBay enterprise and I am sort of counting on selling a lot of things during October/November and will probably offer free giftwrapping on all items.
There is a shop for rent on Bell Street in St Andrews and for some time I have been talking to people about what sort of business they would open in St Andrews if they were given unlimited funds and expertise. St Andrews seems to sort of have everything in some capacity or another. On Saturday I spent a long time walking around town looking for somewhere to try and get a good healthy meal, i.e salad. Whilst St Andrews has more pubs per square foot than any other town in Britain and most of these serve food, the cuisine in each of them is pretty much identical and very very mediocre (processed chicken, prebought burgers, frozen pizzas). Putting this with the fact there is only one place in town to get a bagel (which are expensive and slow), I think I could see a gap for a healthy eatery (salads, soups, fruits) that sells good bagels too. I am very surprised that bagels have not taken off more in St As and have thought for some time there is definitely a gap in the market for a Bagel Factory esq place somewhere.
I have just had my first lecture of fourth year where we called "old hands" and wished "enjoy your final year" which was all rather depressing. I am still unsure about my environmental economics module so am going to attend the lectures for 2 other modules to see what they are like - industrial economics and monetary policy. The latter I am not too sure about as I struggled with inflation bias/discretion/policy rules during the last semester and only really managed to blag the exam question on it by doing some differentiation so not too confident about doing an entire module devoted to it. Industrial economics sounds far more interesting as there is quite an emphasis in game theory which I really enjoy because of its application to poker and other such games. I was also surprised to hear that we should seriously doing a dissertation as I have given it no thought and dismissed it sometime ago. There is a talk regarding it on Wednesday morning that I will attend if I wake up in time.
I have class from 2pm - 6pm today because of attending all the extra modules and am going to spend the next couple of hours doing some jobs and packaging cereal for despatch. I have a few customer returns to deal with too. There is a £1 rebuy poker tournament tonight at the Poker Society but I'm not sure if I will go because of class going on so late. I did go to the Societies fayre yesterday which is a brilliant occasion - every year there are more and more societies which is brilliant. Unfortunately I was too hungover to risk going up to the top floor so didn't manage to sign up to anything...
Was meaning to take some photos last night at dusk because the light was perfect but watched the British Golf Masters playoff instead. Might try tonight as would like to put some photos of St Andrews here so can see it going through the seasons.
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